09 July, 2011

Memoir Of Jane Austen/Kindle Freebies

While going through my brand new Kindle for PC account looking for free reads, I found all of Jane's novels and quickly downloaded them.

Among them, I found a Memoir Of Jane Austen by her brother, James Edward Austen-Leigh.

As you can well imagine, I quickly downloaded it to my Kindle and am eager to read this book as soon as I am able to.

I have seen other versions of this and one that is a two volume book that I will eventually get when I am able to.

The idea of learning more about Jane is exciting and I can't wait to dive into her life and her world.

This is another that has been added to my list of reads and I am eager to get started on it.

During my journey through the Kindle Store, I found ALL of Jane's novels including her letters and Love And Friendship, all FREE.  I was exstatic and eager to get them all!  Now I can boast that I have the entire  collection on my Nook and on my Kindle pc apps.  I am in heaven.

This will make my blogging adventures easier to write and much less bulky as carrying my beloved and much loved on book that was given to me for Christmas...though the traditionalist in me still wants to have the actual words in an old fashioned book form when I sit down or cuddle in for the night to read my favorite works.

I am planning to buy either a Kindle or a Nook in the future, but I am weighing the pros and cons of each one carefully and deciding what I would like to do. I will be blogging about that in my regular blog sooner or later but right now, I am just happy to announce my finding here.

http://www.amazon.com/Pride-and-Prejudice-ebook/dp/B000JMLFLW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1310687452&sr=1-1  is where you can find those freebies and a lot of discounts if your budget is tight!

~Happy Reading

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