19 May, 2012

Off Of Haitus

I have been on a haitus lately due to things that have gone beyond my control, but I am back now and ready to go.

I will start the reading of the books now and use The Jane Austen Library Barnes & Nobles Classics to read the books in earnest.  I do want to read them all in a year and blog about them!!

I do have the books including Lady Susan in a large volume, but I wanted something portable and easy to read on the bus and in the park. 

The B&N versions offer so much more and are packed with information that is easy to use and understand.

I will begin with Pride & Prejudice and do so as I read the book.  No reviewing, but my own running commentary as of today.

I will also still be writing about other Austen related things as I go along-from movies, to prequels and sequels and products that I long to have.

I also plan to write my own Regency novel soon and I will give info about that and my other favorite Regency Authors.

Til we meet again,

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