02 December, 2024

It's Been A Long Time

It's  been ages since I have blogged.

In the coming months, I will re-start my Austen obsession while continuing on with my Outlander obsession.

It has been a rough four years, I fought cancer and had to gain my strength and life back.  I should have been re-reading Emma during that time, but my body was too weary to do more than eat and sleep most days.

Whenever I try to do some things for myself in other places, people volunteer me for other things that take up time and space...mostly these things aren't what I have wanted to do. I am learning to say no and that I have irons in other fires.

After the new year and going through a few more months with Outlander, I will do a few book reviews and some more fun things with Jane and her world of wonderful characters.

I will also try to get more Austen shows and spinoffs in if I can in the coming year.

06 May, 2023

What Would Jane Think of King Charles III?

It is a truth universally known that Jane Austen was NOT a fan of the Regent of England in her day.  She thought him to be incompetent, and without sense.

So, as Britain crowns a new king, I wonder what Jane would think of him.

We can't bring her into our time, so we can only guess what she would think of him.

So today, after 70 years we welcome the new monarch of Britain, King Charles III. 

We can only hope and pray that his reign is sensible and healthy...and worthy of our Jane Austen!

God save the King!

24 November, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today is a day of thankfulness for all that we have and the family and friends we have around us.

I pray that you have a very Happy Thanksgiving and that you stay safe and you don't over do it on the turkey and trimmings today!


02 October, 2022

Tentative Tea In Austenland Plans For The Fall And Winter

Hello everyone!

It is now fall, and my favorite time of the year...

We get to spend this time wrapped up in a blanket, sipping hot tea or chocolate while reading our favorite novels. 

We also get to look forward to the holidays with family and friends. The BEST time of year, in my humble opinion.

I have had this blog for twelve years now, and I have not done a lot of work on it in the last few years.  I have had a hard time finding fun and interesting things to write about.  I am working on it though.

It was a little hard for me to do anything last year because I had gotten sick with cancer and had a lot going on, so I didn't touch Jane Austen since the discovery of the cancer.  I was also recovering throughout this year and didn't feel like doing much except watch television.

I have a tentative plan to re-read all of Jane Austen's novels and spend a few days watching Jane Austen-esque movies and shows. 

I will do a discussion themed set of posts for this blog as a read along very soon so that we can get this ball rolling once again (as soon as I finish Diana Gabaldon's Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone}...

I did watch Pride & Prejudice with Kiera Knightly last night and got the tingling in my bones to get back into Regency England.

It is my tentative plan to re-read, discuss, review and do more for this blog!

See you soon!


09 September, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Has Left Us

As of yesterday, September 8, 2022 Great Britian lost her queen.

Queen Elizabeth Alexandra  Mary passed away, she follows her beloved Prince Phillip.

I know this post doesn't have anything to do with Jane Austen, but fans of Jane's are British citizens and they loved their queen as much as I do.

Her Royal Highness was an icon and a role model to many. When war broke out, the future queen rolled up her sleeves and joined many women in helping with the war effort as a mechanic.  When VE Day came, she chose to go out in the streets with her fellow citizens to celebrate the joyous moment instead of hiding away with her family to celebrate.

At 26, she learned that her father had passed away and she was now the Head of State.  She did not get the opportunity to sit with her father and say goodbye since she was in Kenya on an Ambassadorship tour of the Commonwealth.

She became queen in February of 1952 and began her job as Queen, juggling young motherhood with concerns and the needs of her nation.

She spent seventy years in this role, becoming a grandmother and great grandmother.  She rallied her people when it was needed and offered comfort and stability in ordinary times.   

I am an American and for me, Queen Elizabeth was a symbol of Great Britian in modern times.  She gave as good as she got. She never let anyone see those weak moments in her heart.

When her ex daughter in law, Diana died, she chose to be present for her grandsons who had lost a mother.  I know the world thought that she had handled that situation a little callously, but Diana was no longer a royal and was only the mother of her grandsons.  Protocol was not part of this situation despite the fact that the world loved Diana.  Queen Elizabeth handled that pressure with grace and kindness in my mind.

Despite this moment, Queen Elizabeth continued to reign and continued to serve the people of Great Britian until yesterday morning.

She outlived her great grandmother, Queen Victoria's reign by about seven years or so. Not bad, and more interesting because both of them were women of their times and did great things.

Through the good and the bad, I will always love Queen Elizabeth and all that she accomplished in her lifetime.

Rest in love, Your Highness


04 August, 2022

Getting back to Austen

It has definitely been a long while since I have written anything.  I have been sick, and a bit busy.

I will eventually get to watching Sandition, though it hasn't been on my radar very long so I will try to get to it as time goes on...

To be honest, the show coincided with Outlander so it was conflicting for me to watch both of them since they came on at the same time.

I am planning to make this a Jane Austen weekend...I will be watching Colin Firth in his wet shirt moment and watch the others.

Have a great evening! 

10 May, 2021

Happy Anniversary Tea In Austenland

It has been ten years since the birth of this blog dedicated to the novels and world of Jane Austen.

It has been a long road and very hard since our beloved Jane Austen passed away about 200 years ago, but we still love her and always find new things to love in her novels.

So I hope that everyone has a great day, and lift your cup of tea to Tea In Austenland. 

Have a great Jane Austen Day!!


24 April, 2021

Jane Austen in MODERN Unnecessary Controversy

I'll start by saying that our world today has become the very essence of purposely being ignorant and ALLOWS the media to control what's out there...

Now we get uptight over a Regency era lifestyle that has nothing to do with Jane Austen!

Here's a case in point that clears our Jane of the misrepresented notion of racism through tea!

"Everything you need to know about this week’s manufactured Jane Austen controversy. ‹ Literary Hub" https://lithub.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-this-weeks-manufactured-jane-austen-controversy/

18 December, 2020

14 November, 2020

CW To Create Jane Austen Anthology

CW's Jane Austen Anthologies

I wonder, dear Miss Elizabeth, how this will go.

Many modern loose adaptations have done well as Christmas specials or Hallmark-esque movies, but a television series? Hmmm

This should be interesting to see. I just hope that with one book per season, ratings are well enough to do all six novels.

Have an Austen inspired day!
