30 July, 2011

Jane Austen Fanfiction

I am thinking of joining this site: Fanfiction.Net (Jane Austen just to see what is up and coming and who is writing what.

There are so many wonderful versions and some very not so wonderful versions in the world of fanfiction that it would be awesome to explore those avenues as well.

Fan fiction is a term used when people take existing works from book series, television, anime, authors in general, and anything their heart desires and re-writes the stories or write stories based off the originals.  

It is a creative way for many to explore and learn to write on their own.

At times, many authors don't appreciate this and prefer they not, but many embrace this as a fun outlet for the frustrated fan who wants to reach out and do their own thing.

In the case of Jane Austen, it is obvious that now, the field has been left wide open for the fanfiction writer to expand and work around it.

Jane Fanfiction has become a huge market in the world of companies like Sourcebooks and others.  It is the basis for many to become Jane herself and be in her world writing her characters or writing modern stories about them.

Many published authors in this genre started out with a wing, prayer and an idea and moved forward to become very much loved.  Sharon Lathan, Jane Odiwe, etc.  have all come from this humble arena. 

Fan fiction is a great way for many to come out and spread their wings.

Although, I would think that writing Jane Austen fanfiction would be very hard for many because what Jane wrote about was contemporary to her, and to us it is history and we must dig into the past and find her world.

A wonderful place for this is Jane Austen FanFiction Index, a lovely site to go and absorb the world of Jane Austen and the writers who bring you exciting. You can find more information on this site at Dwiggie.com/Jane Austen FanFiction, there you can find the way to log into the first ones's page.  It is a wonderful adventure and I suggest it for any Janeite!

I also recommend this site: Austen For Beginners, Jane Austen Fanfiction

Granted, in this site there may be some that you may not like, but then again, there may be many that you will enjoy!  I personally think it is a lovely idea.

I may just spend my time writing fanfiction just to practice and get into writing that era in history!

~Happy Reading

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