13 November, 2012

Jane Austen's Devotion

After purchasing A Jane Austen Devotional (compiled and written by Steffany Woolsey), and using many of Jane Austen's own words from her novels as devotional guides to my Christian life, I began thinking of Jane and her beliefs.

Jane was the daughter of a clergyman, almost married one and they play somewhat interesting roles throughout her novels...

Mr. Collins somehow defies the humbleness of a leader of the Church by boasting over and over again.

Mr. Elton is a man of the cloth who is also more interested in social standing than in leading his flock to the goodness of God...and there are other instances...

However, it is in the main characters in Austenland that bring about the examples of goodness...from Jane Bennett to Jane Fairfax and Captain Wentworth.

Growth in life and goodness is shown in characters like Maryann and even Mr. Darcy...a man taught good principles and goodness but never openly practiced these behaviours.

I want to explore even further the role of Christianity played in Jane Austen's life and in her writings. I know she had definate thoughts on the subject and lived her life with them...I want to learn from them myself...to grow with them and be like Jane in my own way.

Every day I will be reading A Jane Austen Devotional and doing research on Jane from this standpoint.  I hope you will also join me in this endevour.

~Happy Reading
Karol Lynn

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