24 June, 2011

Writing Regency

As I begin my journey into writing Regency, it occurred to me that I know very little about the era or HOW to write it for that matter.  

As a writer, I find myself going round in circles with the writing process itself.  I have read wonderful HOW-TO books by various authors, but find that when it comes to genre, I am at a loss as to where to begin my research. Unlike my absolutely favorite author, Diana Gabaldon, I have no clue as to where to begin in the research department most days and almost cry in frustration at my endless trek through the world of the Google Search engine. Most times it leads me to searching out crazy things and I loose focus.

I found a wonderful site called Writer's Resources by Stephie Smith, and all I can say is Thank You God for her being here!!  Writer's Resources is a wonderful place for someone like myself.  It even has a lot of resources for places of interest in other arenas that I am looking into writing!

Well, I do believe I am well on my way to being a writer.

~Happy Reading

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