01 July, 2011

Regency Rogues Book 1 The Devil In Disguise by Stephanie Sloane

Time for my promised review of Stephanie Sloane's DEVIL IN DISGUISE!

Grab a dish of tea and join me as I give you my thoughts on this book, but first an overview on the book:

Lord William Randall, the Duke of Clairemont, is a wicked rake with little regard for society—a most unlikely suitor for the prim and proper Lady Lucinda Gray. But his latest assignment for the Young Corinthians, an elite spy organization, involves protecting her from a kidnapping plot and to do this, the notorious “Iron Will” must get close to Lucinda, and convince her that he’s a man worthy of her attention. It is a simple enough task to use his devilish charm to seduce her, but William never would have guessed that he’d become enthralled by the lovely Lady Grey—or that he’d lose his own heart in the bargain.
Beautiful and fiercely intelligent, Lucinda has managed to gracefully sidestep even the most persistent suitors. Until the Duke of Clairemont, that is. His rugged features, sinfully sensuous mouth, and piercing eyes are as alluring as the champion thoroughbred he tantalizingly offers in exchange for the honor of courting her, and she finds it hard to resist either temptation. The feelings he stirs in her both excite and arouse, urging her on despite the very real danger he represents. But when the truth is revealed, will Lucinda risk her heart and her life for a chance at everlasting love?


I loved this book!  I found the characters of Lucinda and William well thought out and the chemistry between them  was amazing.

Lucinda is no simpering Miss and our lovely Duke is definately a rake until he claps eyes on our beautiful heroine!

Each scene moves quickly and very well, and made me want to continue to read more through the night and forget the world at large!  That to me is escapism at its finest!

I highly recommend this book to anyone and I look forward to diving into THE ANGEL IN MY ARMS very soon since it is sitting on my coffee table next to my carafe of Earl Grey as we speak.

I believe I have found myself a new comfort authour to add to my growing list of favorites!

You can find Stephanie's web page linked to this blog on the left side of the page under my favorite authors!

~Happy reading!

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